Friday, October 12, 2012


I cannot begin to say all he has done....... i will probably spend eternity still counting the blessings of God upon my life and family. Ever Faithful even in my Unfaithfulness.

I turned 26 this year with much more responsibilities than i can ever imagine, but God has been faithful.

I turned 26 the same day my sister had her traditional marriage. It was the awesomest day ever.... My God shut all ill speakers up, as we merried, laughed, danced and had and awesomely fantastic day. OCT 1ST 2012, will not be forgotten in a very long while.

I seem to have had some wrong turns @ 26. Reminds me of 23 & 24 but with a different mindset. 25 came too easy, like a flash.... but i like 26 cuz the lessons of life became more clearer.

LIVE, LOVE, FORGIVE...................
More than before, i've come to realize how truly beautiful i am. Not in a vain way, but because ive come to appreciate the WORK OF ART God made me Inside and Out.
I need not any man telling me "Wow, you are Beautiful".... NO. I walk with the consciousness that God specially made me beautiful and placed in me a compassionate heart, which is in itself more beautiful than my outward appearance.
@ 19+, i always had a daily confession..... i said to myself every chance i got "I AM BEAUTIFUL", but it took 26, to really help me understand that it wasnt about my outward appearance but what i carry on the inside.
@ 26, i'm letting myself get schooled on Patience and Tolerance, and so far..... its been a great lesson, especially with a Man who totally and is patiently helping me through this phase. He has been all kinds of AWESOME, even when i push him to the extreme. Taking his last Name...........*smiles*
Life had dished its Up's and Downs. i may have struggled, battled emotions, wept, cursed, blamed, taken it anyhow............
@ 26, the year of the Word of God, I UNDERSTOOD.